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Our hope is that this blog will aid those who are discovering or rediscovering the Catholic faith to find the resources they need to get unstuck, to engage more deeply in scripture, prayer and our faith. There are many difficult passages in scripture, and even more difficult doctrinal positions that are interlinked with others. Our faith is over 2,000 years old with a plethora of saints, theologians, church doctors, apologists, Popes, ecumenical councils, and miracles by the will of the Holy Spirit. Needless to say, our faith is complex and yet simple. 

Image by Mick Haupt
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I wasn't raised in the Catholic Church, nor did I have much instruction in the Christian faith. I wasn't even baptised as a child! Despite this, as I grew older I always felt that there was a God, and that I had some kind of relationship with Him. Maybe not a great relationship, but a relationship. I made a promise to God that if He led me to a particular church and faith that I would 'come home', and He did. I've been home in the Catholic Church ever since.


However, in the last few years I've had a bit of a conversion experience (again), and began to take my faith a lot more seriously. As I've continued to grow towards Christ, I wanted to use whatever skills and experiences that I've had to help others seeking to do the same.


I'm not a theologian, or someone in religious life. I'm no Thomas Aquinas. What I do have is an educational and professional background in research and analytics, and a strong affinity for seeking the truth. With over a decade of experience as researcher and analyst, I've become quite skilled at tackling difficult questions by scouring the totality of available knowledge on a given topic to find answers, and to distil that information into concise, easily understood summaries.


I am a 'cradle Catholic'. My faith has had it's hills and valleys. Ultimately, my desire is to live a life that reflects Christ. Jesus calls us to 'Follow Him'. I lived in community with Dominican sisters the year after I graduated university, and concluded that experience with a deeper appreciation for a life centered around God.


We have three children. Being married and having children has given me a greater understanding of what God's love is supposed to look like. Having children highlights our need for Christ.


I hope to shed some personal insight on topics that can give us practical tools for deepening our faith and love of Christ.


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About us:

We chose the name Galahad because it was his purity of heart and mind that aided him in his quest to find the grail. In a similar way, all of us are on a quest for the true grail that is eternal life in Christ, but we too must become pure of heart and mind on our journey to sainthood to be successful. Yet, we live in a fallen world surrounded by spiritual darkness. We seek only to provide you with content that will be "a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."

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